The requested dealer is not live on Please select another dealer or contact this dealer directly.
DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0
Data Analytics Script Loaded
"background-color: blue"digitaldata= Object
"background-color: blue"digitaldata= Object
Dyna Tag
OrderId cookie: undefined
abdoned cart promofalse
Adobe abdoned cart promo flag :::false
ccc: no more images to lazy load
headerPresent: true, footerPresent: true
firstname update complete..
headerPresent: true, footerPresent: true
firstname update complete..
dojo domReady is loaded
in setMiniShopCartControllerURL..
item count : 0
DOM fully loaded and parsed: {isTrusted:true type:DOMContentLoaded }
Set UserExperience to UnauthNoVehicle
Set UserExperience to UnauthNoVehicle
DOM fully loaded and parsed: {isTrusted:true type:DOMContentLoaded }
Set UserExperience to UnauthNoVehicle
Set UserExperience to UnauthNoVehicle
Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=%3B&p1=not%20a%20primary%20expression&p2=34&p3=storeId%3D1405%3BzipCode%3D''%3BdealerId%3D%3BdealerInSession%20%3D%20''%3BcartItem%20%3D%20''%3BuserType%20%3D%20'G'%3BcheckoutPage%3D''&p4=%3BdealerInSession%20%3D%20''%3BcartItem%20%3D%20''%3BuserType%20%3D%20'G'%3BcheckoutPage%3D'' at at q.throwError ( at q.primary ( at q.unary ( at q.multiplicative ( at q.additive ( at q.relational ( at q.equality ( at q.logicalAND ( at q.logicalOR ( <html lang="en" ng-app="fordApp2" ng-init="storeId=1405;zipCode='';dealerId=;dealerInSession = '';cartItem = '';userType = 'G';checkoutPage=''" class="dj_webkit dj_contentbox js-fds ng-scope">
Shop landing controller:undefined
Shop landing controller:undefined
Shop landing controller:undefined
Shop landing controller:undefined
ccc: homePageController.js: #dealerSearchLink on click handler
ccc: homePageController.js: #noDealerSearchLink on click handler
Shop landing controller:undefined
ccc: homePageController.js: #dealerSearchLink on click handler
ccc: homePageController.js: #noDealerSearchLink on click handler
analyticsDynamicHandling: 0ms
ccc: fgecom.js: #dealerSearchLink on click handler
ccc: fgecom.js: #noDealerSearchLink on click handler
Invoking MiniShoppingCartContext to load minicart..
memberInfo : [object Object]
firstName: , dealerName: , dealerId: , dealerUrl: , cartCount: 0
Before setting header.. firstName: , dealerName: , userType: G, cartCount: 0
Setting cartCount: 0
Before setting cartCountPromo: 0
Completed setting header elements.
Before setting footer.. userType: G
Completed setting footer elements.
ccc: no more images to lazy load
ccc: no more images to lazy load
ERROR in getting Coordinates (1): User denied Geolocation